Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: design languages
Topic: localized understanding
Topic: hierarchical structures
Topic: handling complexity
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams
Topic: programming with data
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Ross, D.T.,
"Structured analysis (SA): a language for communicating ideas",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-3, 1, pp. 16-33, January 1977.
SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) is SofTech's proprietary version of SA
16 ;;Quote: structured analysis is for communicating units of thought expressed in other languages
| QuoteRef: rossDT1_1977 ;;16 Structured Analysis "is concerned only with the orderly and well-structured decomposition of the subject matter.
| 17 ;;Quote: structured analysis (SA) for communicating ideas; handle complexity by easy-to-grasp chunks
| 17 ;;Quote: structured analysis produces a hierarchy of diagrams, each describing a limited area; even complex subjects may be understood
| 23 ;;Quote: building block of structured analysis is a box with controlled input/output and an implementation mechanism
| 25 ;;Quote: in SA, activity and data boxes are dual concepts; nouns inside and activity arrows, or vice versa
| 26 ;;Quote: distinction between activity boxes (control/time) and data boxes (input/space)
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