ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: current position in a user interface; cursor
Topic: multi-processing for a user interface
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
Topic: using icons to represent windows
Topic: software tools
Topic: multiple views for a user interface
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Malcolm, M., Dyment, D.,
"Experience designing the Waterloo Port user interface",
Proceedings of the 1983 ACM SIGSMALL Symposium on Personal and Small Computers, San Diego, California USA, December 1983, pp. 168-175.
Other Reference
report, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1983.
1 ;;Quote: in Waterloo Port, a window corresponds to an activity; move the cursor to change activities
| 1+;;Quote: in Waterloo Port, a window is either completely visible or not visible at all
| 2 ;;Quote: in Waterloo Port, each window has a title line and a button line for controlling the activity
| 2 ;;Quote: the top screen line in Waterloo Port lists all visible and invisible windows
| 2 ;;Quote: abandoned overlapped windows in Waterloo Port because character-based display, less efficient, cluttered screen, and wasted space
| 2 ;;Quote: tiling abandoned in Waterloo Port because difficult to specify size and position of windows
| 5 ;;Quote: Waterloo Port uses viewers; a filter that copies stdin to stdout and displays some property or aspect of the text
Related Topics
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows (21 items)
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)
Topic: windows for a UserInterface (21 items)
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