ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: problem solving
Topic: commitment as a system
Group: user interface for hypertext
Topic: scrolling a window
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext
Topic: specification is infeasible
Topic: hypertext rhetoric
Topic: using annotations in hypertext
Topic: shared information for collaborative work
Topic: types of hypertext links
Topic: color in user interfaces
Topic: standards
Topic: using keywords to search hypertext
Topic: definition by example
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Begeman, M.L., Conklin, J.,
"The right tool for the job",
BYTE, pp. 255-266, October 1988.
255 ;;Quote: DesignJournal captures the design rationale and commitments to resolve problems
| 255 ;;Quote: IBIS supports problem solving by conversation between stakeholders
| 256 ;;Quote: GIBIS interface consists of a graphical browser, an index, an inspection window, and a control panel
| 256 ;;Quote: snap scrolling is centering window at mouse click; for fine-tuning and diagonal scrolling
| 260 ;;Quote: in problem formulation shouldn't break thoughts into discrete units; form is vague, contradictory, and incomplete
| 260 ;;Quote: Hypertext forces ideas into fine-grained fragments while obscuring the larger idea being developed
| 260 ;;Quote: Hypertext nodes are separated from their context, unlike traditional linear text
| 260 ;;Quote: collaborative work is substantive, annotative, or procedural
| 262 ;;Quote: using color to data type links and nodes is helpful in GIBIS
| 262 ;;Quote: color monitors have a large machine-to-machine variation; prevents standardized color mappings
| 262 ;;Quote: query by example to search for Hypertext nodes with matching attributes
| 266 ;;Quote: GIBIS used more than PlaneText due to a close match between GIBIS and the IBIS method
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Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext (13 items)
Topic: specification is infeasible (46 items)
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Topic: shared information for collaborative work (35 items)
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Topic: definition by example (26 items)