
QuoteRef: kripSA_1980

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references i-l
meaning without reference
denoting phrases and definite descriptions
names as abbreviations for descriptions
using a description as a name
problems with analytic truth
empirical truth
necessary truth
what is truth
names as rigid designators
objects as a set of attributes
using pointers in Thesa
naming by pointing or recognition
metaphysics and epistemology
limitations of formalism
proper names
causal theory of names
philosophy of science
beliefs and propositional attitudes


Kripke, S.A. , "Naming and Necessity ", Cambridge, Massachusetts , Harvard University Press , 1972, 1980. Google

Other Reference

excerpted, p. 278-294, Martinich, A.P. (ed), The Philosophy of Language, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

25 ;;Quote: a description may not refer to the intended referent; e.g., "the man with champagne is happy"; Kripke ignores this
30 ;;Quote: a descriptive name can not actually be the name, otherwise get tautologies
32 ;;Quote: while a description does not give the meaning of a name, it can fix the reference
35 ;;Quote: a priori knowledge may be know empirically; e.g., a computer says a number is prime
35 ;;Quote: a necessary fact is true in all possible worlds; e.g., if the Goldbach conjecture is true, it is necessarily true
Higg. ;;Note: kinds of truth: a priori (independent of experience), necessary, analytic (by meaning alone), and contingent
48 ;;Quote: a rigid designator designates the same object in all possible worlds; the object need not exist
Higg. ;;Note: scope ambiguity does not occur with names across modal operators such as possibly
48 ;;Quote: names are rigid designators; 'no other than Nixon might have been Nixon'
48 ;;Quote: a rigid designator designates an object if it does so wherever the object exists
52 ;;Quote: a particular is not a bundle of qualities; since quality is abstract, a bundle of qualities is even more so
52 ;;Quote: an object has properties but it should not be identified with its properties or a subset
52 ;;Quote: can identify an object by pointing to it; this holds in other possible worlds
53 ;;Quote: the essential properties of an object do not need to be those properties used to identify it
55 ;;Quote: a name is a rigid designator in all possible worlds, while a description may differ in other worlds
57 ;;Quote: a description is not a rigid designator because properties could change in other possible worlds
57 ;;Quote: a description can fix the reference of a name
58 ;;Quote: Moses might not have done anything ascribed to him, but he still could have existed
64 ;;Quote: a theory of names is inherently wrong
64 ;;Quote: cluster theory of names: if most of the properties match, then the object is identified
79 ;;Quote: consider Neptune before it was ever seen; its description was an a priori truth but not a necessary one
Higg. ;;Note: consider Nextperson as a proper name; its description fixes its reference but does not give its meaning; i.e., contingent, a priori truth
81 ;;Quote: even though the man in the street can't describe Richard Feynman uniquely, he uses the name "Feynman" as a name for Feynman
83 ;;Quote: suppose the author of Godel's theorem was actually Schmidt; even then, references to Godel are to Godel himself
91 ;;Quote: the name of a baby is spread by a chain of using the name in sorts of talk
91 ;;Quote: Feynman is identified by a chain of communication back to Feynman himself; not by a declarative ceremony in private
96 ;;Quote: naming by an initial 'baptism' and then passed from person to person with an intension to keep the reference fixed
102 ;;Quote: different names of the same object rigidly designate that same object
138 ;;Quote: scientific properties are necessary but not a priori, e.g., gold has atomic number 79, but was still gold beforehand
157 ;;Quote: the discovery of animals with unicorn characteristics might be coincidence instead of the unicorns of the myth
Higg. ;;Note: list of modal forms--necessarily, possibly, not; behaves like forAll and thereExists; be careful of secondary occurrences
Higg.+;;Note: de re beliefs hold for a specific object while de dicto beliefs hold for all objects

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