Topic: histogram
Topic: event controlled processing
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: monitored variable
Topic: report generation
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Polson, P.G., Campbell, G.D.,
"Extended Scat",
Behavioral Science, 17, pp. 558-615, 1972.
QuoteRef: polsPG_1972 ;;561 histogram function: declared with limits and pocket widths, then a logging function to inc a pocket
| QuoteRef: polsPG_1972 ;;562 When testing for state change, searched list for true condition each time an interrupt comes in
| QuoteRef: polsPG_1972 ;;563 can either generate reports in line or dump the data for later
| QuoteRef: polsPG_1972 ;;564 report section like control section, can restart control section
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