ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: voice and sound as a user interface
Topic: examples of usability studies
Karat, C.-M., Halverson, C., Horn, D., Karat, J.,
"Patterns of entry and correction in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition systems",
Proceeding Computer-Human Interaction (CHI 99), Pittsburgh, PA, ACM SIGCHI, May 1999, pp. 568-575.
569 ;;Quote: creating text by keyboard-mouse faster than continuous speech recognition; more natural
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Topic: voice and sound as a user interface (26 items)
Topic: examples of usability studies (31 items)