ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
Topic: man-machine symbiosis
Topic: keystroke-level model for user interface evaluation
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Card, S.K., Moran, T.P., Newell, A.,
"The keystroke-level model for user performance time with interactive systems ",
Communications of the ACM , 23, 7, pp. 396-410 , July 1980.
copied two tables describing keystroke-level model and the determination of mental units.
396 ;;Quote: evaluate an interactive computer system in terms of the total performance of the combined man-machine system
| 397 ;;Quote: keystroke-level model--the time for an expert to perform a task is determined by keystroke time
| 406 ;;Quote: uses keystroke-level model to analyze 3 methods to correct a misspelled word
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces (9 topics, 258 quotes)
Topic: man-machine symbiosis (46 items)
Topic: keystroke-level model for user interface evaluation (6 items)