ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: customer-centered marketing
Topic: marketing
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Levitt, T.,
"Marketing Myopia ",
Harvard Business Review , July-August 1960 , pp. 43-56.
Other Reference
pp 3-23 in Enis B.M., Cox K.K., Marketing Classics, 4th ed, Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1981
11 ;;Quote: marketing focus on satisfying the needs of the buyer by means of the product, while selling focuses on the seller
| 12 ;;Quote: Ford reduced prices to sell more cars and then tried to make the prices by forcing the costs down
| 18 ;;Quote: an industry is for satisfying customers, not for producing goods; start with the needs of a customer
| 20 ;;Quote: a business should think of itself as buying customers instead of producing goods
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
Topic: customer-centered marketing (17 items)
Topic: marketing (12 items)