ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: program representation
Topic: primitive functions
Topic: interpreter
Topic: compressed code
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: memory management for programs and modules
Topic: computer architecture
Topic: intermediate representation of code
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Debaere, E.H., Van Campenhout, J.M.,
Interpretation and Instruction Path Coprocessing, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1990.
31 ;;Quote: semantic gap between basic instructions and machine code; either compile or interpret; complex codes not needed
| 47 ;;Quote: interpretation allows more interactivity, easier ports and denser encoding, at cost of lower execution speed
| 50 ;;Quote: interpretation by subroutine encoding, pointer-based encoding or tokenized encoding; sequential, threaded and linked representations
| 59 ;;Quote: use contours to compress identifiers during interpretation; each entry in contour includes all information to access variable
| 65 ;;Quote: Modula-2 interpreter represents modules by data and code frame; access procedures by their index; dynamic linking
| 125 ;;Quote: instruction coprocessor generates machine code for intermediate codes; 2x faster, problem of jumps
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Group: program representation (25 topics, 659 quotes)
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