Topic: type conversion
Topic: expression language
Topic: procedure valued variables
Topic: type variable
ThesaHelp: references t-z
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: monitored variable
Topic: if-then-else test chain
Group: derived data types
Topic: union data type
Topic: type parameter
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: code optimization by special case analysis
Topic: frozen representation
Topic: compile-time execution
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Wegbreit, B.,
"The treatment of data types in EL1",
Communications of the ACM, 17, 5, pp. 251-264, May 1974.
page numbers from Tech Report 4-71, Harvard University, May 1971
QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;3 conditionals by bool -> exp, while block exit conditionals by bool => exp (like lisp or ::)
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;3 EL1 is an expression language
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;6 routine valued variables eg foo <-expr (x:real; char) begin...end is a character valued function of one real argument
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;7 mode valued variables for declaring other variables
| 10 ;;Quote: union mode objects have a fixed mode
| 11 ;;Quote: a union mode postpones the selection of a mode
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;11 cartesian product of sets is a structure (by Struct), self- product of sets is an array (indefinite or fixed length, by Array), union of sets is a union mode (oneof), mappings of sets is a routine (Proc) may t
| 11 ;;Quote: in ECL, any object can take a mode-valued variable as an argument
| 20 ;;Quote: define operations as a pattern with its data types and corresponding routine
| 23 ;;Quote: have a freeze list that tells compiler about modes; e.g., if know x and y are integers can generate fixadd(x,y)
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;27 type conversion as a component of a structure based on modes and converi
| QuoteRef: wegbB5_1974 ;;34 Sensitive mode (mode, predicate, action) tested whenever variable assigned i.e. predicate: action
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Topic: compile-time execution (17 items)