2 ;;Quote: a Z box argument selects a rectangle of text for an editor command
3 ;;Quote: the Z editor looks for a profile file in the user's directory which sets user preferences
3 ;;Quote: if an operation takes a long time in the Z editor, Z displays a line count periodically
3 ;;Quote: Z's mark command allows users to set bookmarks for later retrieval; can be in another file
4 ;;Quote: Z uses a Bloom filter for checking spelling in a dictionary
4 ;;Quote: Z attempts to correct a misspelling by testing letter deletions, transpositions, and missing letters
4 ;;Quote: the Z editor automatically indents after a 'newline'; can be overridden
5 ;;Quote: the Z editor includes commands for locating matching parentheses
5 ;;Quote: Z defines a continuation line as any line that isn't indented zero, one, or minus one times
5 ;;Quote: Z can elide statements which are indented too far; like an outline
4 ;;Quote: Z can explode a paragraph into its individual sentences for easy editing
5 ;;Quote: Z automatically positions a file to the location of compilation errors
6 ;;Quote: each child fork in the Z editor is associated with a control character; simplifies context switching