Group: program proving
ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: programming without errors
Topic: program proof via assertions
Topic: testing testing
Topic: constructing proof and program together
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels
Topic: hierarchical structures
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Group: Thesa programming system
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
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Dijkstra, E.W.,
"The humble programmer",
Communications of the ACM, 15, 10, pp. 859-866, October 1972.
863 ;;Quote: programs should be bug free from the start
| 863 ;;Quote: every loop should have a proof for termination and a loop invariant
| 864 ;;Quote: program testing can not show the absence of bugs
| 864 ;;Quote: correctness proof and program should be written together
| QuoteRef: dijkEW10_1972 ;;864 should be able to prove programs true
| 866 ;;Quote: each level of a hierarchy represents a doubling or more in size; small and medium systems have few levels
| 866 ;;Quote: have ten orders of magnitude between program execution in hours and instruction execution in a microsecond; must have intermediate levels
| 866+;;Quote: need intermediate levels between a program's execution and an instruction's execution; about a 10^10 ratio; bricks to walls is maybe 10^3
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Topic: constructing proof and program together (22 items)
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