
QuoteRef: rushJ7_1983

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references p-r
security by secure domains
security leaks and weaknesses
operating system security
distributed system security
one-way hash function
security by audit trail


Rushby, J., Randell, B., "A distributed secure system", Computer, July 1983. Google

55 ;;Quote: multilevel security: each individual is assigned a clearance and each item of information has a classification; widely used
55 ;;Quote: security partition: a set of compartments accessible by an individual, and a clearance or classification
55 ;;Quote: conventional computer systems do not enforce multilevel security; subverted by trap doors and trojan horses
57 ;;Quote: reference monitor for trustworthy access to untrusted components and data; checks each access against policy and record so far
57 ;;Quote: a security kernel mistakenly combines separation and mediation of security issues
57 ;;Quote: physically separate untrusted computing resources and the security processors
57 ;;Quote: temporally separate activities in different security partitions by reinitializing an untrusted host
57 ;;Quote: security processors contain a separation kernel to logically separate reference monitors and untrusted support functions
57 ;;Quote: separation kernels are smaller, less complicated, faster, and more easily verified then security kernels
57 ;;Quote: cryptographic separation for different uses of shared communication and storage media
58 ;;Quote: implemented the secure Newcastle_Connection as a Unix layer above the kernel
60 ;;Quote: cipher block chaining prevents information leaks by modulating message contents, but not leaks from pattern-of-use channels
60 ;;Quote: separate communication channels by encryption and a high-quality checksum that includes a message's identification fields
61 ;;Quote: separate communication channels by a different encryption key for each security partition
62 ;;Quote: use a trustworthy intermediary for secure information flow; e.g., a low-level host places a file in a secure store for reading by a high-level host
63 ;;Quote: partition secure file system into trusted and untrusted machines; the secure file manager enforces secure access to the untrusted file storage
63 ;;Quote: secure file manager adds a checksum to prevent top secret information from leaking from the file store
64 ;;Quote: secure file manager maintains a complete history of the last five minutes; prevents frequent versions of the same file for a pattern-of-use channel
64 ;;Quote: a file storage machine can be used for multiple security partitions since leaks are prevented by the secure file manager

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