ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: computer performance
Topic: replicated data
Topic: data caching
Topic: disk allocation
Topic: memory cache
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Patterson, D.A.,
"Latency lags bandwidth",
Communications of the ACM, 47, 10, pp. 71-75, October 2004.
71 ;;Quote: bandwidth improves faster than latency; when bandwidth doubles, latency improves 1.2-1.4x
| 71+;;Quote: memory and storage capacity improves faster than bandwidth
| 73 ;;Quote: latency improvements also improve bandwidth, but not vice versa
| 74 ;;Quote: use caching, replication, and prediction to improve latency
| 75 ;;Quote: store data in large block sizes; balances bandwidth with latency
| 75 ;;Quote: memory latency is almost 1000 instructions; may be faster to recalculate than to fetch
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ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Topic: computer performance (14 items)
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