Topic: error safe systems
Group: security
Topic: authentication
Topic: entities
Topic: proper names
Topic: security by seal
Topic: bootstrapped systems
Topic: operating system kernel
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England, P., Lampson, B., Manferdelli, J., Peinado, M., Willman, B.,
"A trusted open platform",
Computer, IEEE, July 2003, pp. 55-62.
56 ;;Quote: assurance and authenticated operation are important security goals; assurance is correct behavior despite attacks
| 56 ;;Quote: authenticated operation requires program identity; e.g., restrict access to financial data via cryptographic hash of executable code
| 56 ;;Quote: sealed storage may only be read by programs listed at the creation of the sealed storage
| 57 ;;Quote: attestation identifies a program on a trusted platform to other trusted platforms; digitally sign a message and the program ID
| 57 ;;Quote: system boot requires a security coprocessor to store cyrptographic keys for sealed storage and attestation; verifies the kernel's digest and starts in a well-defined state
| 58 ;;Quote: the nexus is a security-critical system manager with an isolated address space, secure agents, authenticated operations, and secure user input and output
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