ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
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Group: program representation
Topic: learning a programming language
Topic: education
Topic: design pattern
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: pseudocode design
Topic: reusable programming
Topic: stepwise refinement
Topic: experimental results on programming
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Soloway, E.,
"Learning to program = Learning to construct mechanisms and explanations.",
Communications of the ACM, 29, 9, pp. 850-858, September 1986.
850 ;;Quote: a program has two audiences: the computer for which it is a mechanism, and the human reader for which it is an explanation
| 851 ;;Quote: learning to program is learning how to construct mechanisms and explanations
| 851 ;;Quote: an introductory programming course should make explicit the implicit knowledge of experts
| 851 ;;Quote: the basic building blocks for programming include stereotypical goals and plans; like pseudocode
| 853+ ;;Quote: the name of a stereotypical program plan is an explicit label for a structure that will be used repeatedly
| 853 ;;Quote: Soloway's group build a library of plans; used to teach introductory programming
| 855 ;;Quote: part of stepwise refinement is using subproblems for which you already have canned solutions
| 856 ;;Quote: plans for programming can be sequenced, nested, merged or tailored
| 856 ;;Quote: plans for programming are difficult to merge effectively; novices almost always make mistakes
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