ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: functional programming
Topic: set-oriented languages
Topic: names as rigid designators
Topic: referential transparency
Topic: infinite sequences
Group: data
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Martin, J.J.,
"FAD, a functional programming language that supports abstract data types",
ACM Proceedings Annual Conference , pp. 247-262 , 1980.
looks like a precursor to MP
249 ;;Quote: in FAD, an item expression denotes any finite set and certain infinite sets of items
| 250 ;;Quote: in FAD, the name for an item expression can always be replaced by its definition
| 250 ;;Quote: in FAD, the item expression for a stack of integers is an infinite expression defined by recursion
| 251 ;;Quote: FAD functions map item expressions into themselves; gives formal definition for application; defines conditional
| 248 ;;Quote: FAD deviates from Red by: encapsulation, data typing, sets of items, items vs. objects, naming, and infix operators
| 248 ;;Quote: a FAD object is a pair of items called the object's type and its value
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ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: functional programming (43 items)
Topic: set-oriented languages (20 items)
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Topic: referential transparency (26 items)
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Group: data (140 topics, 3098 quotes)