
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973

topics > all references > ThesaHelp: references t-z

boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
curried functions
index sequence for array access
higher-order functions and combinators
data type by lexical constraints
primitive data types of a language
sequence operations
data type by name or tags
termination of control unit
references t-z
no need for replacement
conditional expression
programming with data
operator precedence
if-then-else test chain
sequence reduction
simple loop
accessing a sequence
notation for constants
Thesa data structures
recursive data structures
infinite sequences
words defined by words
generic operations and polymorphism
co-sequence operations
sequence generators
undefined, null, and other signal values
exception handling by unique value
numerical error
abstraction in programming
programming with a database of modules
identifying program modules
localized understanding
reusable programming


Wile, D.S., "A generative, nested sequential basis for general purpose programming language", Carnegie-Mellon, November 1973. Google

Other Reference

NTIS AD773 839

13 ;;Quote: can data structures be like programs with a hierarchical, nested sequential, static structure
16 ;;Quote: the boundedness of a sequence generator could be a property of its use; i.e., the sequence could be infinite
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;27 x id:: x x rid v:: v identity and nullify operators
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;27 uses key word "none" to resolve ambiguity in two consecutive unary operator definitions, and indicate pre fix operator
28 ;;Quote: reusing a name in its definition refers to its previous definition
28 ;;Quote: generic selection only if operation is defined for those operands; otherwise forces generic selection on all callers
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;29 basic types (indicated by letter) signed integer, character, sequence, empty (nil) and string (sequence of characters)
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;29 has unique negative integer indicator '~'
30 ;;Quote: partially instantiate an operator by specifying some of its operands
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;30 'a relation b' returns nil if false otherwise a
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;32 program and data are the same, both sequences
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;32 operator to get last one <1.2.3>val = 3
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;33 gen operator removes a sub-sequence e.g., <1> conc<2;<3;4>;5> = < <1>gen <2;<3;4>;5>gen? = <1;2;<3;4>;5> and == s
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;34 then and else like LISP i.e., x else y == y when x is empty else x
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;34 x then y == y when x is non-empty else nil (this can be derived
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;35 x excludes y == y when x is empty else nil
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;35 or::else, and::then, not x:: x excludes true [renaming e.g., x else Y = if x nil then y else x]
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;35 repetition by Kleene star * i.e., x*== terminated implicitly or by escape operator
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;35 x alternate y:: gen*; == <gen; gen; ...>==
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;36 eg u rat v:: u conc (v gen*) == ==<u/gen; gen> == eg "3.7" rat "23" is "3.7232323..." sequence could terminate on precision requirements of
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;36 else exit sequence (exs) terminates sequence when argument is empty otherwise its value is its argument (do while)
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;37 then exit sequence (txs) terminates sequence and includes argument in result when arg is non-empty. otherwise returns nil (do until).
38 ;;Quote: the coapply operator relates a sequence of arguments with a sequence of functions
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;39 s controls q:: s. (rid *).q == .q == == i.e., limits length of sequence q
40 ;;Quote: use element-at-a-time processing for coapply operations since termination may be unknown
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;40 accumulate operator / y/s== like APL reduction or evaluate program on one register machine
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;41 positive integers are 0/(+1*); ==<1;2;3;4;5...>
42 ;;Quote: a sequence expression is also a generator that produces elements when 'pulsed'; car and cdr are forms of pulsing a list
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;42 s while f:: s.(f exs *)
47 ;;Quote: co-sequencing allows for infinite computational objects since only processing one element at a time
48 ;;Quote: in arithmetic can use +-infinity as NIL; so uninitialized variables produce NIL results
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;48 i max j:: i ge j else j in Algol would be if i ge j then i else j
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;49 relations return their monadic argument when true e.g., 1<2 == 1 (<2) = 1 and (i le)b le j is a range check
50 ;;Quote: it is better to split up functions into smaller pieces which may be useful for other purposes; abstraction
90 ;;Quote: co-routines are independently described structures, each of which exist in some state
QuoteRef: wileDS11_1973 ;;114 note no assignment operator
114 ;;Quote: emphasize the sequences of accesses to data structures along with the programs that perform the access
115 ;;Quote: it is good to specify sequences independently of how they are used

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Collected barberCB 1980
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