ThesaHelp: references p-r
Group: software maintenance
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: interrupting interpersonal communication
Topic: task communication
Group: electronic mail
Topic: discussion groups, mail conversations, and teleconferencing
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Perry, D.E., Staudenmayer, N.A., Votta, L.G.,
"People, organizations, and process improvement",
IEEE Software, July 1994, pp. 36-45.
Perry and Votta with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Staudenmayer with MIT Sloan School of Management
37 ;;Quote: studied maintenance of a real-time switching system; >10 million noncommented lines of C, new functions every 15 months, 3,000 software and 500 hardware developers
| 37+;;Quote: a new feature of a real-time switching system varied from a few lines of noncommented code to 50,000 lines of noncommented code with many complex, specially designed hardware circuits
| 38 ;;Quote: studied why the elapsed time for software development is more than the actual time
| 38+;;Quote: studied time management with time diaries which were validated by direct, detailed observation
| 40 ;;Quote: even when coding, half of the time is occupied by noncoding tasks such as support, test, design, and planning
| 40 ;;Quote: developers worked on a particular project only 40% of the time; the remainder was spent on other projects, waiting for resources, or redoing work
| 42 ;;Quote: developers spent 75 minutes per day of unplanned interpersonal interaction, usually through email and in-person visits; most interactions were less than five minutes
| 42+;;Quote: former colleagues made a surprising percentage of a developer's daily interactions
| 43 ;;Quote: while subjects received a median of nine email messages per day, they sent a median of zero per day; the content of these messages was rarely technical
| 43+;;Quote: email may be inappropriate for technical development because problem solving is iterative and may be complex
| 43+;;Quote: some developers sent and received far more email messages than others; the averages and medians differ substantially
| 45 ;;Quote: with proper precautions, people are willing to be observed and measured; e.g., they forgot about observation sessions
| 45 ;;Quote: direct interpersonal communications are the dominant means of interaction for these software developers; email was mainly used for broadcasting information
| 45+;;Quote: email may be an inappropriate foundation for computer-supported cooperative work
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
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