ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: simulation
Group: goals for a programming system
Topic: understanding systems
Group: information
Topic: man-machine symbiosis
Topic: data types in Thesa
Group: systems
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: functional programming
Topic: specification and design of distributed systems
Topic: logic programming
Topic: programming language design
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Nygaard, K.,
"Basic concepts in object oriented programming",
SIGPLAN, 21, 10, pp. 128-132, October 1986.
Other Reference
see nygaK_1981
128+;;Quote: with Simula, simulate a system by compiling its description
| 128 ;;Quote: Simula designed as a language for system description, understanding, and simulation
| 129 ;;Quote: informatics is the science of information aspects of natural and societal phenomena
| 131 ;;Quote: a Simula program both describes a process for people and prescribes a structure for computers
| 131 ;;Quote: a system is division of a whole into components with properties and actions; it is descriptive but not inherent
| 131 ;;Quote: in object-oriented programs, the system's components are objects with properties and actions that transform the system's state
| 132 ;;Quote: in function-oriented programming, a process is a composition of functions on an input producing an output
| 132 ;;Quote: in constraint-oriented programming, a process is deduction from an initial state under sets of constraints and inputs
| 132 ;;Quote: a programming language should support function, object, and constraint-oriented programming
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