9 ;;Quote: affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things, e.g., push plates, turn knobs, insert into slots, and throw balls; e.g., doors
13 ;;Quote: design for people by a good, predictive conceptual model, and visible states and action alternatives
23 ;;Quote: ease of use by visible alternatives and by natural mappings from controls and displays to results in the world; e.g., steering a car
35 ;;Quote: if an error is possible, someone will make it; should be easily detected, minimal consequences, and reversible effects
40 ;;Quote: blame or credit may be assessed almost independently of reality; e.g., if can't use a simple thing, tend to blame ourselves
47 ;;Quote: action cycle of execution and evaluation: goal, intention, action sequence and execution; perception, interpretation, evaluation and goal
51 ;;Quote: gulf of execution: do the actions provided by the system match those intended by the user?
51 ;;Quote: gulf of evaluation: is the system's state easy to perceive, easy to interpret, and consistent with the user's model; good feedback
71 ;;Quote: a mental model allows you to predict behavior in novel situations and allows you to understand current behavior
78 ;;Quote: natural mappings can minimize the need for labels; always reconsider a design when labels appear necessary
84 ;;Quote: physical constraints are best when easy to see and interpret; then the allowable set of actions is known beforehand
107 ;;Quote: a capture error occurs when a frequently done activity captures an unfamiliar activity sharing the same initial stages
119 ;;Quote: the structures of everyday activities are either shallow or narrow, unlike chess which is wide and deep; requires minimal mental effort
129 ;;Quote: social pressure can lead to misinterpretation, mistakes and accidents; strong influence on everyday behavior
131 ;;Quote: design the system to allow for errors: make errors easy to discover and correct
131+;;Quote: don't ignore errors; usually a good reason for it, e.g., misleading information
132 ;;Quote: built-in warning signals may go off in error, disrupt proper behavior, conflict, distract, and be inconvenient; e.g., automobile buzzers
132 ;;Quote: a forcing function constrains a sequence of actions; e.g., ignition switch and interlocks on microwave ovens
140 ;;Quote: put the required knowledge for operating a system in the world; provide shortcuts once the system is memorized
183 ;;Quote: explorable systems have visible states and allowable actions, results are easily interpreted, actions are free and reversible
183+;;Quote: irreversible actions provide sufficient warning, are difficult to do, or are nonexplorable
192 ;;Quote: simple memory aids, such as lists and notepads, are essential to everyday functioning
200 ;;Quote: standardize when a design becomes arbitrary; only learn standard once; standardization works well