ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: state machine
Topic: programming as mathematics
Topic: program source as truth
Group: program control
Topic: generalized repetition
Topic: initialization of data
Group: repetitive control
Topic: conditional expression
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Parnas, D.L.,
"A generalized control structure and its formal definition",
Communications of the ACM, 26, 8, pp. 572-581, August 1983.
574+ ;;Quote: a program is a nondeterministic mechanism that changes the state of the machine it controls
| 574 ;;Quote: a program is a partial function from initial states and valid inputs to possible ending states
| 575 ;;Quote: it..ti combines loop and conditional constructs by repeatedly executing true guards until a downArrow is found
| 576 ;;Quote: added 'init' predicate for guards; true only during the first execution of a loop
| 576 ;;Quote: if the left-hand operand of 'cor' is true, the right-hand operand can be undefined; e.g., use init to delay evaluation
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Group: program control (27 topics, 547 quotes)
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