ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: philosophy of science
Topic: history of science
Topic: empirical truth
Topic: physics
Topic: art
Topic: special relativity
Topic: science as measurement
Topic: physics as computation
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Campbell, N.R.,
Physics: the elements, Cambridge University Press, 1919.
Other Reference
Republished as Foundations of Science: The philosophy of theory and experiment, New York: Dover Publications, 1957.
Published before 1923
15 ;;Quote: the subject of science consists of immediate judgments that can have universal agreement
| Warsh ;;Quote: science is about asking questions sliced thin enough that they can be answered, definitely, once and for all
| Chapanis ;;Quote: in physics we try to say things that no one knew before in a way that everyone can understand
| 22 ;;Quote: although science starts with judgments obtainable with universal agreement, the end result is a creative achievement full of personal choice
| 29 ;;Quote: universal agreement is possible for judgments of simultaneity, coincidence, and number
| 33 ;;Quote: physics is predominant because it is based on measurement
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