ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: man-machine symbiosis
Topic: keystroke-level model for user interface evaluation
Topic: expert users
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
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Card, S.K., Moran, T.P., Newell, A.,
"The keystroke-level model for user performance time with interactive systems", Palo Alto, California, XEROX Palo Alto Research Center, SSL-79-1 AIP MEMO 122, March 1979.
Other Reference
Stanford Computer Library #12316
1 ;;Quote: should consider the total performance of a user-computer system; time, errors, learning, function, etc.
| 2 ;;Quote: Keystroke model: the time required by an expert for a routine task is the time needed for the keystrokes
| 7 ;;Quote: execution time in Keystroke model consists of keystrokes, mouse, hand movement, line drawing, mental preparation, and response time
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: man-machine symbiosis (46 items)
Topic: keystroke-level model for user interface evaluation (6 items)
Topic: expert users (25 items)
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)