ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: managing people
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: contingency and strategic planning
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"The financial key at ITT ",
Dun's Review Dun & Bradstreet, December 1970.
Quote: Geneen insisted on face-to-face communication; needs the facial expressions behind the figures [»duns12_1970]
| Quote: ITT uses a large headquarters' staff to verify estimates and plans of managers [»duns12_1970]
| Quote: ITT game plans include exigency plans, e.g., what if sales is 70% of expectations [»duns12_1970]
| Quote: at ITT, if sales go off estimates, the first step is reducing costs, then increase sales [»duns12_1970]
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: managing people (64 items)
Topic: management of large software projects (63 items)
Topic: contingency and strategic planning (22 items)