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Topics and groups from 'n' to 'r'
Topic: name of a relationship
Topic: name server or name directory
Topic: named constants and expressions
Topic: names as abbreviations for descriptions
Topic: names as place holders
Topic: names as rigid designators
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: names independent of objects
Topic: namespace
Group: naming
Topic: naming authority
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition
Topic: naming conventions
Group: natural language
Topic: natural language as a system
Topic: natural language as action or problem solving
Topic: natural language as communication
Topic: natural language translation
Topic: necessary truth
Topic: network and hierarchical databases
Topic: networks of relays
Topic: Newtonian physics
Topic: no need for efficiency
Topic: no need for replacement
Topic: no need for variables
Topic: non-constraining system
Topic: non-deterministic processing
Topic: non-exclusive data type
Topic: non-hierarchical classification and multiple classification
Topic: non-preemptive task scheduling
Topic: non-primitive values
Topic: notation for constants
Topic: notation for declarations
Topic: notation for operations
Topic: notation for program clusters
Topic: notations for brackets
Topic: notations for object access
Topic: novice users and the UserInterface
Topic: number and arithmetic as part of language
Topic: number as a named set of numbers
Topic: number as a progression for counting and 1-1 relations
Topic: number as the extension of a class of equinumerous classes
Topic: number representation
Topic: numerical error
Topic: object and value equivalence
Topic: object code linkers and loaders
Topic: object modification
Topic: object slice
Topic: object transformation language
Topic: object-defined exception handling
Topic: object-defined names
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: object-oriented data types
Topic: object-oriented databases
Topic: object-oriented design
Topic: object-oriented fields
Topic: object-oriented methods
Topic: object-oriented modelling language
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: object-oriented packages
Group: object-oriented programming
Topic: object-oriented prototypes
Topic: object-oriented templates and containers
Topic: object serialization
Topic: objects as a set of attributes
Topic: objects without names
Topic: one-way hash function
Topic: opaque and partially-opaque data types
Topic: open systems
Group: operating system
Topic: operating system kernel
Topic: operating system security
Topic: operator precedence
Topic: optimistic update for concurrency control
Topic: optimization of object-oriented programs
Topic: ordered data types
Group: organizations
Topic: organizations as systems
Topic: orthogonal extension and cartesian products
Topic: other pointing devices
Topic: outlines
Topic: output formatting
Topic: owned resources and data objects
Topic: packed data
Topic: page formatting
Topic: parallel algorithms
Topic: parallel control statements
Group: parallel processing
Topic: parallel programming languages
Topic: parameter passing by argument list
Topic: parameter passing by keyword or position
Topic: parameter passing by message
Topic: parameter passing by name
Topic: parameter passing by reference
Topic: parameter passing by value
Topic: parameter passing by value-result
Group: parameters
Topic: parameters as argument place holders
Topic: password protection
Topic: path expression
Topic: pattern brackets
Topic: pattern components
Topic: pattern language
Topic: pattern matching
Topic: pattern specification
Group: patterns
Topic: perfect hash table
Topic: performance testing
Topic: persistent data structure
Topic: personal information
Topic: personal software process (PSP)
Topic: Petri net
Topic: Petri net transitions and events
Topic: phenomenology
Group: philosophy
Group: philosophy of mathematics
Topic: philosophy of mind
Group: philosophy of science
Topic: physics
Topic: physics as computation
Topic: PID control loop
Topic: pidgin and creole languages
Topic: plan-based task scheduling
Topic: pointer machines
Topic: pointer rotation
Topic: pointers to data
Topic: power fail recovery
Topic: predefined program units
Topic: predicate transforms
Topic: preventing accidental errors
Topic: primitive data type as memory
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa
Topic: primitive data types of a language
Topic: primitive functions
Topic: private language argument for skepticism about meaning
Topic: probabilistic and randomized algorithms
Topic: probability
Topic: probability assessment
Topic: problem of assigning names
Topic: problem of classifying information
Topic: problem of information overload
Topic: problem of other minds
Topic: problem of screen size
Topic: problem solving
Topic: problems with analytic truth
Topic: problems with cognitive overhead of hypertext
Topic: problems with disorientation in hypertext
Topic: problems with empirical truth
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext
Group: problems with hypertext
Topic: problems with information retrieval
Topic: problems with logic programming
Topic: problems with reading hypertext
Topic: problems with the von Neumann architecture
Topic: problems with type inheritance
Topic: problems with usability testing
Topic: problems with using icons
Topic: problems with writing hypertext
Group: procedure and type-valued variables
Topic: procedure valued variables
Topic: procedures as data
Group: process control
Topic: process control languages
Topic: process control systems
Topic: process migration
Topic: process threads
Topic: processing a sequence
Topic: production systems
Topic: program blocks for control
Topic: program construction by walk-through
Group: program control
Group: program design
Topic: program execution
Topic: program listing
Group: program module
Topic: program proof via assertions
Group: program proving
Topic: program proving is infeasible
Group: program representation
Topic: program source as truth
Topic: program statistics
Topic: program web
Topic: programmable controller
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: programmers
Group: programming
Topic: programming as mathematics
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
Topic: programming environment
Topic: programming language
Topic: programming language design
Topic: programming language standards
Group: programming notation
Topic: programming style
Topic: programming system
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: programming with data
Topic: programming with forms
Topic: programming with natural language
Topic: programming without errors
Topic: prompted input
Topic: pronoun reference
Topic: proof-carrying code
Topic: proper names
Topic: property sheets for objects
Topic: prototyping
Topic: proving concurrent programs
Topic: pseudocode design
Topic: psychiatry
Group: psychology
Topic: public domain software
Topic: public key encryption
Topic: publishing
Topic: quality assurance
Topic: quantified repetition
Topic: quantum electrodynamics
Topic: quantum mechanics
Topic: race conditions
Topic: random number generation
Topic: range checking
Topic: range data type
Topic: raster graphics
Topic: read-only and write-once file systems
Topic: real numbers and floating point numbers
Topic: real time systems
Topic: reality is a machine
Topic: recognition
Topic: recursion
Topic: recursive data structures
Topic: reduction languages
Topic: reduction machines
Topic: reductionism
Topic: referential transparency
Topic: reflex circle
Topic: ref_any or Object data type
Topic: register allocation
Topic: register allocation by graph coloring
Topic: register allocation by usage counts
Topic: register allocation by use-def graphs
Topic: register arguments to subroutines
Topic: relational database
Topic: relationship as an object
Group: relationship between brain and behavior
Group: relationship information
Topic: reliability of distributed systems
Topic: reliable broadcast
Topic: reliable communication
Topic: religion
Topic: remote procedure call
Topic: renaming
Group: repetitive control
Topic: replacement as a procedure call
Topic: replacement as defining a variable
Topic: replacement as moving information
Topic: replacement as setting a reference to a value
Group: replacement or assignment
Topic: replicated data
Topic: report generation
Topic: representation data type
Topic: representing a relationship
Group: requirement specification
Topic: requirement specification by assertion
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams
Topic: requirement specification by function
Topic: resourceful, redundant systems for reliability
Topic: responses to electronic mail
Topic: restricted and extended types
Topic: restricted electronic mail
Topic: restricted use of global variables
Topic: return from procedure
Topic: reusable programming
Topic: reverse engineering of software
Topic: reversible execution
Topic: revision delta
Topic: rings
Topic: RISC computer architecture
Topic: robot hand
Topic: robot programming
Topic: robot programming via graphical model
Topic: robot sensors
Group: robots
Topic: roles
Topic: roles of a relationship
Topic: routing electronic mailing
Topic: rules
Topic: run-time assertions
Topic: running programs in a workspace or environment

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Group: all references   (12 topics, 3381 quotes)

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Updated barberCB 3/06
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Thesa is a trademark of C. Bradford Barber.