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Topics and groups from 'a' to 'e'
Topic: a single system image
Topic: abbreviated input
Topic: absolute vs. relative names
Topic: abstract data type
Topic: abstract functions
Topic: abstraction
Topic: abstraction as part of language
Topic: abstraction by common attributes
Topic: abstraction by name
Topic: abstraction by resemblance
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: abstraction in programming language
Topic: access by current position
Topic: access by pattern matching
Topic: access to components of a data object
Group: access to data
Topic: access to objects by a path
Topic: accessing a sequence
Topic: accounting
Topic: action chunks
Topic: active compliance of robot motion
Topic: actor machines
Topic: adaptive hash table
Topic: alarm reporting
Topic: algorithmic complexity analysis
Group: algorithms
Topic: alias names
Topic: aliasing
Group: all references
Group: all topics
Topic: analog processor
Topic: analog/digital conversion
Topic: analytic truth
Topic: animation
Topic: application generator
Topic: approximate string matching and pattern matching with errors
Topic: architecture
Topic: archives
Topic: archiving Information in Hypertext
Topic: arrays
Topic: arrow-jump keys for a UserInterface
Topic: art
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: artificial neuron nets
Topic: aspect-oriented programming
Topic: assigning values to statements
Topic: associative memory
Topic: astronomy
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: atoms and molecules
Topic: attachment of hypertext links
Topic: attachments to electronic mail
Topic: attribute grammar
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: authentication
Topic: automated testing
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs
Topic: automatic selection of algorithm for abstract data type
Topic: automation
Topic: b-trees
Topic: backtracking
Topic: backup processor
Topic: beliefs and propositional attitudes
Topic: binding names to variables or expressions
Topic: binding of names to objects
Topic: biology
Topic: block machines
Topic: BNF grammar
Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
Topic: bootstrapped systems
Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: browsing with a user interface
Topic: bug tracking system
Topic: bugs
Topic: builtin functions
Topic: business application language
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
Topic: CADES structural modeling with holons
Topic: calculator
Topic: calculus of communicating processes
Topic: case frame grammar
Topic: case statement
Topic: casting a variable to a different type
Topic: causal theory of names
Topic: change
Topic: change notification
Topic: channel multiplexing
Topic: chaotic behavior
Topic: chemistry
Topic: choice points for a user interface
Topic: civilization and society
Topic: classification
Topic: Cleanroom software development
Topic: client-server model for distributed systems
Topic: co-routines
Topic: co-sequence operations
Group: code generation
Topic: code optimization
Topic: code optimization by advice and statistics
Topic: code optimization by code rewrite
Topic: code optimization by flow analysis
Topic: code optimization by global analysis
Topic: code optimization by instruction reordering or scheduling
Topic: code optimization by special case analysis
Topic: collecting statistics on a UserInterface
Topic: collection class
Topic: collision avoidance by robots
Topic: color in user interfaces
Topic: command language
Topic: command-line as a UserInterface
Topic: comments
Topic: commitment
Topic: communicating sequential processes
Group: communication
Topic: communication errors between people
Topic: communication port
Topic: communication protocols
Topic: comparing paper to electronic access to information
Topic: compile-time execution
Topic: compiler
Topic: compiler error checking
Topic: compiling pseudocode designs
Topic: compressed code
Topic: compressed data
Topic: computational geometry
Topic: computational mail
Topic: computer architecture
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: computer as state machine
Topic: computer performance
Group: computer science
Topic: concurrency
Topic: concurrency control by monitors
Topic: concurrency control by sequencers
Topic: concurrent operations
Topic: conditional compilation
Group: conditional control
Topic: conditional control by guards
Topic: conditional expression
Topic: conditional statement
Topic: conditional statement language
Topic: configuration management
Topic: consciousness
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: constants
Topic: constraints
Topic: constructing proof and program together
Topic: context
Topic: contingency and strategic planning
Topic: continuation
Topic: continuation lines
Topic: continuous coordination of robot motion
Topic: continuum in mathematics
Topic: control file
Topic: control point
Topic: control returning functions and expressions
Topic: controlled browsing of hypertext
Topic: coordinate frames for robot positioning
Topic: coordinated motor programs
Topic: coordinated movement
Topic: coordinated processes
Topic: coordinated robot movement
Group: coordination system
Topic: copyright
Topic: corporations and institutions
Topic: cosmology
Topic: critical regions
Topic: cross reference and hierarchical links in hypertext
Topic: current position in a user interface; cursor
Topic: curried functions
Topic: customer-centered marketing
Topic: customized user interfaces
Topic: dangling pointers
Group: data
Topic: data acquisition
Topic: data alignment
Topic: data as a named set of data objects
Topic: data caching
Topic: data compression algorithms
Topic: data flow languages
Topic: data flow machines
Topic: data parallel processing
Topic: data record
Topic: data structure literals
Group: data structures
Group: data type
Topic: data type as a set of operations
Topic: data type as a set of values
Topic: data type as a set of values and a set of operations
Topic: data type as a set of variables
Topic: data type as constructors, selectors, and predicates
Topic: data type by access rights
Topic: data type by lexical constraints
Topic: data type by name or tags
Topic: data type compatibility
Topic: data types are not needed
Topic: data types in Thesa
Group: data value
Topic: data-driven design
Group: database
Topic: database agents
Topic: database as a model of reality
Topic: database change management
Topic: database consistency and reliability
Topic: database entities
Topic: database implementation
Topic: database keys and indexing
Group: database model
Topic: database queries, joins, and relational algebra
Topic: database record
Topic: database schema
Topic: database security
Topic: database transactions
Topic: deadlocks
Topic: debugger
Group: debugging
Topic: debugging by reading code
Topic: debugging by usage rules
Topic: debugging techniques
Topic: decision table
Topic: declaration scope
Topic: declaration through use
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels
Topic: default exception handler
Topic: default value
Topic: defensive programming
Topic: defining a process
Topic: definition
Topic: definition by example
Topic: definition languages
Topic: deletion of information
Topic: demonstrating systems
Topic: denoting phrases and definite descriptions
Topic: dependency analysis
Topic: deployable module or assembly
Group: derived data types
Topic: descriptive languages
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: design documentation
Topic: design errors
Topic: design for change
Topic: design languages
Topic: desktop metaphor for user interfaces
Topic: dial as a user interface
Topic: dialog boxes in a user interface
Topic: dictionary for natural language
Topic: people vs. computers
Group: digital communication
Topic: digital measurement
Topic: digital signature
Topic: digital simulation of analog
Topic: direct engagement and theater in a user interface
Topic: direct manipulation for a UserInterface
Topic: discrete vs. continuous
Topic: discussion groups, mail conversations, and teleconferencing
Topic: disk allocation
Topic: disorientation in a user interface
Topic: display console as a user interface
Topic: display of hypertext links
Group: distributed database
Topic: distributed process control
Topic: distributed system security
Group: distributed systems
Group: document preparation
Topic: document-centered system
Topic: software documentation
Topic: domain specific language
Topic: dragging with a mouse
Topic: drama
Topic: dynamic code modification
Topic: dynamic type checking
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type
Topic: early vs. late binding
Topic: ease of learning
Topic: ease of use
Topic: economics
Topic: editing by cut and paste
Topic: editing data
Topic: editor as the UserInterface
Topic: education
Topic: efficiency
Topic: electricity and magnetism
Topic: electromagnetic field
Group: electronic mail
Topic: electronic mail headers
Topic: electronic meetings
Topic: electronic news and blogs
Topic: elements
Topic: else clause
Topic: embedded systems
Topic: empirical truth
Topic: program module as encapsulation
Topic: encoded names
Topic: encryption
Group: engineering
Topic: entities
Topic: entity-relationship database model
Topic: entries
Topic: entries into rings
Topic: entropy
Topic: enumerated data types
Topic: environment variables
Topic: equal simplicity
Topic: error checking in robot programming
Topic: error messages
Topic: error safe systems
Topic: ethics
Topic: evaluate operator
Topic: evaluation in an environment
Topic: event controlled processing
Topic: event loop for a user interface
Topic: event time
Topic: events
Topic: evolutionary systems
Topic: examples of coordination systems
Topic: examples of distributed systems and applications
Topic: examples of file systems
Topic: examples of hypertext systems
Topic: examples of manual hypertext systems
Topic: examples of programming environments
Topic: examples of usability studies
Group: exception handling
Topic: exception handling by recovery block or rescue clause
Topic: exception handling by termination
Topic: exception handling by try..catch
Topic: exception handling by unique value
Topic: exception handling with resumption
Topic: exceptions and undesired events
Topic: exceptions from invalid input
Topic: executable code from specifications and designs
Topic: execution of hypertext nodes
Topic: execution profile
Topic: execution tracing
Topic: execution with program stubs
Topic: existence
Topic: existence of database entities
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: experimental results on structured programming
Topic: expert systems
Topic: expert users
Group: expression evaluation
Topic: expression language
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: extensible systems
Topic: external search and sort
Topic: extreme programming
Topic: eye gaze as a pointing device

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Group: all references   (12 topics, 3381 quotes)

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Updated barberCB 3/06
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Thesa is a trademark of C. Bradford Barber.