
ThesaHelp: topics s-z

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Topics and groups from 's' to 'z'
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: safety critical systems
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
Topic: save-restore
Topic: schemas for hypertext
Group: science
Topic: science as experiment
Topic: science as mathematics
Topic: science as measurement
Topic: scientific method
Topic: scientific paradigms and research programs
Topic: scripting language
Topic: scrolling a window
Topic: search algorithms
Topic: searching compressed data
Topic: searching hypertext
Topic: searching the Web
Topic: sections of a program
Group: security
Topic: security by access functions
Topic: security by access rights
Topic: security by audit trail
Topic: security by capabilities
Topic: security by seal
Topic: security by secure domains
Topic: security issues with electronic mail
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses
Topic: security of remotely executed code
Topic: selecting command names for a user interface
Topic: selecting text with a mouse
Topic: selecting with a mouse
Topic: self reference
Topic: self-identifying data structures
Topic: self-regulating systems
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: semantic networks
Topic: semantic truth; s iff p
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine
Topic: semi-structured text
Topic: semistructured messages for automated processing
Topic: sending an object across a network
Topic: sense perception
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
Topic: sensory prediction in coordinated motion
Topic: sentences, propositions, and truth
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: sequence generators
Group: sequence operations
Topic: sequence reduction
Group: sequences
Topic: servo programming
Topic: set construction
Topic: set data type
Topic: set definition by extension or intension
Topic: set operations
Topic: set-oriented languages
Group: sets
Topic: shared information for collaborative work
Topic: shared objects
Topic: signature files
Topic: simple loop
Topic: simulation
Topic: size of hypertext nodes
Topic: skepticism about knowledge
Topic: sociology
Topic: software change management
Topic: software components
Group: software engineering
Topic: software lifecycle
Group: software maintenance
Topic: software maintenance and testing of distributed systems
Topic: software maintenance by patching
Topic: software management
Topic: software metrics
Topic: software models of reality
Topic: software patents
Topic: software portability
Topic: software review
Topic: software science
Topic: software tools
Topic: sort algorithms
Topic: source-rich system
Topic: spaces in text
Topic: sparse arrays
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces
Topic: spatial vs. temporal representation
Topic: special relativity
Topic: specific purpose computer systems
Topic: specification and design of distributed systems
Topic: specification errors
Topic: specification is infeasible
Topic: spelling errors
Topic: spreadsheet
Topic: stack machine
Topic: stacks
Topic: standards
Topic: state
Topic: state machine
Topic: statement language
Topic: static single assignment; SSA
Topic: statistical mechanics
Topic: statistical testing based on a usage profile
Topic: statistics
Topic: step-by-step dialog
Topic: stepwise refinement
Topic: string and list concatenation
Topic: string literals
Topic: string operations
Topic: string transformation languages
Topic: strings
Topic: structural equivalence vs. name equivalence of data types
Topic: structure transformation languages
Topic: structured editors
Topic: structured flow diagram
Topic: structured programming
Topic: sub-sequences
Topic: suffix trie and suffix array
Topic: supervisory process control
Topic: symbol table
Topic: symbolic execution
Topic: symbolic manipulation of formulas
Topic: symbolic representation
Topic: symmetry
Topic: synchronized processing
Topic: synchronous communication through a channel
Topic: syntax analysis
Topic: system builds
Topic: system integration
Topic: system-defined variables
Group: systems
Topic: task communication
Topic: task scheduling
Topic: taxonomy
Topic: team programming
Topic: telephone system
Topic: temporal database
Topic: temporal relationships
Topic: temporary data objects
Topic: termination of control unit
Topic: test data selection
Topic: test hardware
Topic: test scripts
Group: testing
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
Topic: testing by program mutation
Topic: testing by voting or N-version
Topic: testing testing
Topic: testing user interfaces by transcripts
Topic: text compression
Topic: text editing
Topic: text markup and structured text
Topic: text trails through hypertext
Topic: the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems
Topic: the effect of scale
Topic: theorem proving systems
Topic: Thesa as a database of modules
Topic: Thesa compiler and loader
Topic: Thesa data model
Topic: Thesa data structures
Group: Thesa programming system
Topic: Thesa's user interface
Topic: thesaurus and information retrieval
Topic: thought is computational
Topic: threaded code
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows
Topic: time
Topic: timestamps
Topic: token
Topic: tools
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Topic: topology
Topic: training wheels for the user interface
Topic: transformation of programs
Topic: translation of data
Topic: trees
Topic: trust
Topic: tuples
Topic: Turing test
Topic: Turing machine
Topic: type algebras, typed lambda calculus, and type-complete languages
Group: type checking
Topic: type checking by trademark
Topic: type conversion
Group: type declaration
Topic: type hierarchy
Group: type inheritance
Topic: type inheritance as reuse
Topic: type parameter
Topic: type reflection and introspection
Topic: type retract
Topic: type variable
Topic: types of hypertext links
Topic: types of object-oriented classes
Group: types of programming languages
Group: types of user interfaces
Topic: unbounded precision
Topic: undefined, null, and other signal values
Topic: understanding systems
Topic: undoing actions in a UserInterface
Topic: uniform data model
Topic: uniform language systems
Topic: uniform reference to data
Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences
Topic: union data type
Topic: unique names
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: units
Topic: universal data type
Topic: Unix pipes
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
Topic: updating information in Clearinghouse and Grapevine
Topic: updating information with locking
Topic: usability errors
Group: user interface
Topic: user interface design
Group: user interface for hypertext
Topic: user interface tool kits
Topic: user maintenance
Topic: user profile
Topic: user-centered design
Topic: user-centered operating system
Topic: user-defined data type
Topic: user-defined languages
Topic: using a computer as a communication/information medium
Topic: using a description as a name
Topic: using a world model in robotics
Topic: using an address as a name
Topic: using annotations in hypertext
Topic: concurrent while in parallel processing
Topic: using hypertext for cooperative work
Topic: using icons to represent objects in a user interface
Topic: using icons to represent windows
Topic: using keywords to search hypertext
Topic: using pointers in Thesa
Topic: using robots for assembly tasks
Topic: updating information with rumor mongering and random updates
Topic: value as an abstraction
Topic: value as an object
Topic: van Wijngaarden grammar
Topic: variable as function that accesses an object's value
Topic: variable as reference to a value
Topic: variable as reference to storage
Group: variables
Topic: variables as objects which remember a value
Topic: variables for array bounds
Topic: variant data types
Topic: vector processing
Topic: version control
Topic: version identification
Topic: virtual machine
Topic: virtual memory
Topic: visual programming
Topic: vitalism, the soul
Topic: vivid representation of programs
Topic: voice and sound as a user interface
Topic: von Neumann computer
Topic: waitfor condition in parallel processing
Topic: walking
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
Topic: what is a computer
Topic: what is a number
Topic: what is truth
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
Topic: word processing
Topic: word vs. picture
Topic: words defined by words
Topic: words in natural languages
Topic: World-Wide Web
Topic: writing
Topic: writing hypertext
Topic: writing with a stylus
Topic: XML data type

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Group: all references   (12 topics, 3381 quotes)

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Updated barberCB 3/06
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Thesa is a trademark of C. Bradford Barber.